Thursday, March 21, 2013

For the Love of Pinterest - I Don't Have THAT Much Time!

I have spent countless days and nights thumbing through Pinterest. As a Photographer, I have found some amazing ideas that have actually boosted my creativity -- but that was before everybody and their brother, sister, and Aunt Mabel were Pinteresting too. Remember when you had to have an invite to join the site, there was a sense of exclusivity (hey I was part of something unique and special) -- not so much anymore.

I have pinned a lot of ideas that I wanted to go back and do, for the home or for clean eating - but have not even done. I have glanced over them again with a second thought - oh yeah...that intrigued me, and I really should do that.

I saw these really adorable rainbow in a jar ideas for St. Patrick's Day. ADORABLE. I thought, that looks easy, inexpensive, etc, etc... My mistake, I did not pin the really adorable idea several weeks prior to St. Patty's Day and the idea eventually transferred as a rainbow in a ziploc bag so not only was it adorable but THRIFTY! This is what it was supposed to LOOK like, how did my little mind transfer this to ziploc bags? How did I forget that I also needed marshmallows or BLUE skittles?

This is how they were supposed to look....
Last Friday, I venture to the candy store, and buy six half dollar sized chocolate gold coins and 3 small bags of skittles in my mind, this has to be enough for two right? I get home and pull out two snack size bags and start placing the coins, then the purple rainbow is dancing around and acting like Mexican jumping beans instead of skittles. I am stumped, so I go onto Pinterest and search for my little idea I had remembered from several weeks ago. Then I realize that I am a forgetful IDIOT and that the rainbow was in a jar, I was lacking several gold coins, marshmallows and mason jars. OY VEH!!!

Saturday, I trekked to Target (knowing full well, I could get EVERYTHING I need at the Mart, but I have to be difficult and go to my favorite store). I find a 41 ounce bag of skittles (daggone, talk about tasting the rainbow - I've been snacking on them for almost a week now, my tastebuds are numb!) but then find the dark side skittles, and they have BLUE skittles and all kind of wicked flavors. I locate marshmallows, and then search for Mason Jars (which I could not find). I walked by them six times, to only find them on a very low shelf, and all they had were short squatty ones -- but they were going to work - I was going to make these stupid adorable rainbows in the jar work.

I get home and my son informs me, there should be a black pot bottom (are you frigging kidding me?) I have no black paper, so I start coloring white paper with a sharpie (I think I was high from the fumes) and then realize, that was not going to work - the skittles would get high too! So to his disappointment, we skipped the black pot err kettle.

Then we started sorting skittles. We had bowls of skittles everywhere. Purple. Blue. Green. Yellow. Orange. Red. Then came the layering process, which was the easiest part...much easier than a plastic bag (what the heck was I thinking...idiot).

This is what we ended up with, not bad - I guess I personalized it and made it my own!

But all in all, the rainbows in a jar were an über success, the kids loved them. In hindsight, Pinterest is Evil, and a huge time suck of things I want to do, but will never ever likely do...but folks, keeping pinning, on my sleepless nights it gives me something to do.


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